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02-02 Dal mondo


02-02 Dal mondo

Da terra di confine, a Paese europeo, la strada dell’Ucraina verso l’UE 

Zelensky vs Zaluzhny: duello tra primedonne mentre l’Ucraina va a fondo

Attenti a Cina e Russia, non solo agli Houthi

Perché l’Italia è interessata all’Africa

Etiopia, nel Tigray popolazione a rischio carestia

La COP28 fra 1,5 e 2 gradi


2024: anno di transizione per l’economia  della repubblica di Pridnestrovie?

Perché la Fed stoppa il rialzo dei tassi


Cosa farà l’Italia nel Mar Rosso

Riservisti, missioni e finanziamenti. Ecco i nuovi progetti della Difesa

Cosa non torna nel doppiopesismo sulle vittime civili delle guerre

Nella “famiglia” degli F-35 c’è ancora posto per la Turchia?

–🇬🇧Italy’s G7 presidency can be a breakthrough for the ‘West’ and the ‘Rest’

–🇬🇧Piracy is Back in the Horn of Africa – What’s Behind its Return?

–🇬🇧How the Houthis joined the Israel-Gaza crisis

–🇬🇧Houthis Say They Targeted US Merchant Vessel

–🇬🇧Houthis Claiming New Attack in Gulf of Aden

–🇬🇧U.S. Defense Details Latest Houthi Attacks on Shipping

–🇬🇧Op-Ed: Close Call In The Red Sea: Assessing The Recent Houthi Missile Incident

–🇬🇧National Guardsmen were the majority of troops hurt in Jordan attack

–🇬🇧Only the Middle East Can Fix the Middle East

–🇬🇧Iran Has A Shot At Sinking a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier

–🇬🇧After Two Years of War: The West’s Strategic Choice in Ukraine

–🇬🇧Why NATO Needs Ukraine

–🇬🇧Ukraine Sinks Russian Tarantul-II Class Corvette With Kamikaze USV Swarm Attack

–🇬🇧Pacific Fleet chief Paparo on China’s big lesson from Ukraine: win quickly

–🇬🇧Sinking Feeling: Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Has Lost 20 Percent of Its Strength

–🇬🇧An Asymmetric Approach to the Use of Maritime Forces in Competing with Russia

–🇬🇧Can America Properly Hedge Against Unforeseen Threats?

–🇬🇧Fired USS Lake Erie captain instilled a ‘culture of fear’

–🇬🇧Other people’s wars: the US military and the challenge of learning from foreign conflicts

–🇬🇧New Details on Trawler Hijacking as Somali Pirates and Crew Arrive in Seychelles

–🇬🇧Two U.S. Navy Carriers Join Japan Destroyer On Multi-Large Deck Event In Philippine Sea

–🇬🇧Lessons from the Cod War

–🇬🇧Report to Congress on Chinese Naval Modernization