07-02 Dal mondo
7 Febbraio 2024 2024-02-07 9:3807-02 Dal mondo
—La crisi nel Mar Rosso e gli impatti sull’Unione Europea
—Guerra Gaza, Qatar: “Ok Hamas su accordo ostaggi”
—Se gli Houthi ci staccano la connessione: dal Mar Rosso passa (anche) internet
—Cina-Russia-Iran: esercitazione militare al largo dell’Oman
—Cresce la tensione nel Mar Rosso
—Crisi nel Mar Rosso, Botta: “Indispensabili i collegamenti con la Cina”
—Armenia e Azerbaigian: prima dell’accordo di pace, il patto di non aggressione?
—La “svolta” di Zelensky: cambiare i vertici ucraini per restare in sella
—Guerra Russia-Ucraina: le ultime notizie
—Saudi Vision 2030: le aspirazioni geopolitiche di Riad
—Il mondo multipolare in Africa: il caso bielorusso e la sua presenza in Kenya
—“Bukelizzazione” dell’America Latina?
—Italia-Giappone, l’importanza dell’asse tra G7 e Indo Pacifico
—Scegliere la divisa è mettersi al servizio degli altri
—Riad investe nella Difesa. Ecco tutte le opportunità per l’Italia
–🇬🇧USNI News Timeline: Conflict in the Red Sea
–🇬🇧Iran’s ballistic and cruise missiles
–🇬🇧Lessons From Israel’s Rise as a Cyber Power
–🇬🇧NATO, Gaza, and the future of US-Turkish relations
–🇬🇧Red Sea Chaos Causing Global Oil Buyers to Shop Local
–🇬🇧US takes out explosive-laden Houthi surface drones
–🇬🇧How Washington Emboldened the Houthis
–🇬🇧Report on U.S.-China Competition in East, South China Sea
–🇬🇧‘Do sanctions work?’ is the wrong question
–🇬🇧How Russia is Burning Down the Sanctions House – and What to Do About It
–🇬🇧Azerbaijan: Entering an Old “New Era”?
–🇬🇧Why No Naval Band of Brothers?
–🇬🇧Want an interchangeable naval force? Expand foreign exchanges
–🇬🇧Joe Biden’s Biggest Mistake Ever
–🇬🇧Kamala Harris Is ‘Ready’ To Be President if Joe Biden Dies
–🇬🇧Reinforcing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
–🇬🇧Until Now, Humans Have Been Lucky in Space — It Won’t Last Forever
–🇬🇧Australia and India embrace an edge in critical tech, cyber and space
–🇬🇧Inequality is a climate problem
–🇬🇧Germany’s dangerous alternatives
–🇬🇧South Korea, US explore joint ship, weapons maintenance opportunities
–🇬🇧Supplier bottlenecks threaten US Navy effort to grow arms stockpiles
–🇬🇧Japan-based Destroyer CO Removed from Command
–🇬🇧China Is Flexing Some Serious Aircraft Carrier Muscles
–🇬🇧The Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship Could Make the Ultimate Comeback