16-03 Dal mondo
16 Marzo 2024 2024-03-16 9:3316-03 Dal mondo
Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente
—USA-Israele: qualcosa si è rotto?
—Hezbollah-Israele: l’ultimatum fantasma e l’escalation reale
—Il fattore Houthi nell’allargamento del conflitto in Medio Oriente
—L’operazione Ras Al Hikma: un affare tra economia e geopolitica
–🇬🇧Sending Navy Aircraft Carriers to Attack Iran Would Be a Historic Mistake
–🇬🇧Houthis Vow to Attack Diverted Ships in Indian Ocean
–🇬🇧US Sanctions Marshall Islands Shipping Company Over Illicit Shipments for Houthis and Iran
—La guerra russo-ucraina è iniziata già nel febbraio 2014
—Per Mosca 6.000 “mercenari” stranieri sono stati uccisi in Ucraina: 33 gli italiani
—L’isteria sulla minaccia nucleare russa
—Nuova tensioni nel Sud Atlantico tra Londra e Buenos Aires
—La settimana geopolitica di Treccani
–🇬🇧Aiding competition: The geopolitics of humanitarian aid and disaster relief in the Indo-Pacific
–🇬🇧What to Expect from the 2024 Russian Elections
–🇬🇧Moscow Fears Armenia Now Following Same Path as Georgia and Ukraine
–🇬🇧Russian Influence in Georgia Ahead of Critical Elections
–🇬🇧Fearing their officers more than the enemy: summary executions from George Washington to Ukraine
–🇬🇧What Does a Recent ISIS-K Terror Attack Mean for Turkey?
–🇬🇧Playing Both Sides of the U.S.-Chinese Rivalry
—Perché non sarà più solo l’economia la bussola delle relazioni internazionali
–🇬🇧What Importance Does the Fuel and Energy Complex Have to Russia?
—Tutte le sfide dell’Europa su difesa e sicurezza
—La nuova strategia sull’industria della difesa europea
–🇬🇧Belarus Addresses Nuclear Weapons in New Military Doctrine
–🇬🇧Remaining Steadfast in the Face of Burgeoning Threats
–🇬🇧The Netherlands Select Naval Group For Its New Submarines
–🇬🇧Relationships with Netherlands Neighbours Would Set the Course of Walrus Replacement
–🇬🇧Exail Introduces Transoceanic Uncrewed Surface Vessel
–🇬🇧HII unveils new Remus 130 uuv