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18-04 Dal mondo


18-04 Dal mondo

Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente

Guerra Iran-Israele?

Il confronto tra Iran e Israele entra in una nuova fase

Israele vs Iran, cosa rischia l’economia

Francia deve usare l’atomica in Iran

L’Italia è un Paese a sovranità limitata su Hezbollah?

–🇬🇧Seized Ship’s Cargo Reveals Impact of Iran Tensions on Global Trade

–🇬🇧A Brief History of Kill Lists, From Langley to Israel’s AI System Called “Lavender”


Draghi e gli Stati Uniti d’Europa

I BRICS e il controllo degli stretti

I movimenti degli ex del Gruppo Wagner tra Africa e Belgorod

Trump il leader di cui ha bisogno l’Occidente

Nord Stream distrutta da uno o più governi

OhiMag geopolitical reports

–🇬🇧Mario Draghi: Radical Change—Is What Is Needed

–🇬🇧The Case for Progressive Realism

–🇬🇧Ukraine is heading for defeat

–🇬🇧The conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

–🇬🇧What Are China’s Long-Term Antarctic Ambitions?


L’Italia sorprende su Pil e deficit, ma occhio a energia e Mar Rosso

Si rafforza il processo di de-dollarizzazione del mercato petrolifero globale

–🇬🇧Industrial policy for economic security

–🇬🇧Nusantara can unlock Indonesia’s maritime potential


A Pechino non piace la nuova portaerei giapponese

–🇬🇧The rising Ransomware Tide, chinese spy cranes, and the Biden executive order on Maritime Cyber Security

–🇬🇧The F-35 fighter will now cost more than $2 trillion

–🇬🇧To expand the US Navy’s fleet, we must contract

–🇬🇧Japan Announces 7-Month, Dual Big Deck Deployment, USS Carl Vinson Heading to RIMPAC

–🇬🇧HD HHI Signs Contract For Local Construction Of Four Naval Vessels For The Peruvian Navy

–🇬🇧HD HHI Demonstrates Its Naval Shipbuilding Capabilities Through Technology, Flexibility, And Punctuality