18-05 Dal mondo
18 Maggio 2024 2024-05-18 9:1618-05 Dal mondo
Mar Rosso – Medio Orente
—Trasportava armi destinate a Israele: la Spagna nega lo scalo a una nave danese
–🇬🇧Houthis Will Target All Ships Heading to Israel, Group Says
–🇬🇧The Red Sea attacks highlight the erosion of US leadership in the region
–🇬🇧House votes to punish Biden for pausing some bombs for Israel
—Guerra in Ucraina e minacce nucleari
—Cambio di regime a Kiev e presidenziali Usa, gli obiettivi che allontanano la pace
—La Nato apre a Tokyo? Non ancora. Praga spinge, Parigi frena
—Le relazioni Stati Uniti – India alla prova del porto di Chabahar
–🇬🇧The time for Europe to step up is now
–🇬🇧The New Moral Resistance to Putin
–🇬🇧The Future of Georgia Following Divisive Foreign Agent Law
–🇬🇧What will Putin and Xi’s ‘new era’ of cooperation mean for the world?
–🇬🇧Logic of a forgotten American atrocity is alive today
—Ankara è diventata un hub del gas di Mosca
—Il Pd: Confusione fra Mit e Ministero del Mare, Salvini chiarisca le competenze sui porti
–🇬🇧An analysis of pandemic-era inflation in 11 economies
—Criticità e potenzialità del dominio subacqueo
—Italia e Pakistan rafforzano le relazioni militari bilaterali
–🇬🇧Keel Laying For The New Italian Navy Hydro-Oceanographic Ship
–🇬🇧France turns to AI for signals analysis in underwater acoustics war
–🇬🇧‘Tug Drone’: KOTUG Pilots Innovative Line Transfer Solution
–🇬🇧Rounding up a week of news following the Royal Navy’s Sea Power Conference
–🇬🇧Chinese Experimental Corvette Starts Sea Trials
–🇬🇧Three Questions: Congressional Guidance for a National Maritime Strategy