22-05 Dal mondo
22 Maggio 2024 2024-05-22 9:3022-05 Dal mondo
Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente
—Medio Oriente, una regione in bilico
—Il paradosso della Corte Penale Internazionale
—Israele, Hamas e la CPI: questione di giustizia
—Mar Rosso, l’aspetto penale della minaccia ai traffici marittimi
–🇬🇧‘Four blind mice’: Biden, Blinken, McGurk & Sullivan
–🇬🇧Will Raisi’s death destabilize Iran?
–🇬🇧Houthi rebels claim shooting down second US drone in past week
—Volodymyr Zelensky è presidente ad interim dell’Ucraina
—Patto per il Futuro: rilanciare il multilateralismo per affrontare le sfide globali
—Nuova Caledonia, Macron e i rischi di guerra civile
—Anche il Senegal saluta la Francia
—Fin dove arrivano i missili dentro (e fuori) il mar Cinese Meridionale
–🇬🇧The Entente Cordiale: Croissant Diplomacy and Teatime Treaties
–🇬🇧Protests in New Caledonia get a boost from … Azerbaijan?
–🇬🇧The End of Nordic Neutrality
–🇬🇧Charting the challenges in the Baltic sea
–🇬🇧Taiwanese perceptions of conflict
–🇬🇧Asia’s ascendance in the new international space order
–🇬🇧Space, Speed, and Sovereignty: Hypersonic Tensions in the Southern Hemisphere
–🇬🇧Japan’s Strategic Interests in the Global South: Indo-Pacific Strategy
–🇬🇧Japan’s Strategic Interests in the Global South: Africa
–🇬🇧Biden’s new Antarctic statement holds lessons for Australia
—L’economia russa resiste a guerra e sanzioni: il PIL in crescita nel 2024
—Saipem, da TotalEnergies tre contratti da 3,7 miliardi di dollari
–🇬🇧Report to Congress on China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ Initiative
—Gli istruttori italiani addestrano sniper e genieri delle Kurdistan’s Security Forces
—L’applicazione del diritto umanitario alle operazioni cyber in guerra
–🇬🇧Ukraine Has World’s First Navy Drone Armed With Anti-Aircraft Missiles
–🇬🇧New Base Protection Training Emphasizes Asymmetric Threats, ‘Homeland is Not a Sanctuary’
–🇬🇧Sea Control Ships: The U.S. Navy Light Aircraft Carrier That Never Sailed
–🇬🇧Turkey’s navy deploys unmanned surface vessels during Denizkurdu drill
–🇬🇧Steller Systems unveil ‘Fearless’ Multi Role Support Ship concept
–🇬🇧Japan Commissions Fifth Mogami-Class Frigate
–🇬🇧Sedef Shipyard Laid The Keel Of The 3rd I-Class Frigate For The Turkish Navy
–🇬🇧Navies Look to Uncrewed Systems to Counter Threats Beneath the Waves