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26-04 Dal mondo


26-04 Dal mondo

Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente

Hamas: “Israele ci conceda la creazione di uno stato indipendente”

–🇬🇧It’s time for Iran and Israel to talk

–🇬🇧Israel’s next front? Iran, Hezbollah and the coming war in Lebanon

–🇬🇧Frigate Hydra Shoots Down UAV in Gulf of Aden

–🇬🇧Britain Says Its Navy Shot Down Houthi Missile Targeting Merchant Ship

–🇬🇧HMS Diamond makes first Sea Viper anti-ballistic missile kill in action in the Gulf of Aden

–🇬🇧US coalition ship shoots down Houthi missile after lull in attacks

–🇬🇧Navy authorizes combat awards and devices for Red Sea operations

–🇬🇧U.S. Military Begins Gaza Pier Construction

–🇬🇧Failing to Understand Adversaries Creates a Vicious Circle of Tensions


Il lento declino dell’Occidente

Dalla sconfitta di Putin alla Crimea, gli “strani” messaggi della Cina

Come dire ‘bustarella’ in russo

Ucraina, in arrivo gli aiuti Usa, e ora? 

Perché Usa e Russia si contendono Niger e Ciad

Guglielmo Marconi, genio italiano

–🇬🇧Kicking the can down the crumbling road in Ukraine

–🇬🇧Weapons of War: The Race Between Russia and Ukraine

–🇬🇧Will US aid help turn the tide of the Russia-Ukraine war?

–🇬🇧America Has No Idea What a Ukraine ‘Victory’ over Russia Looks Like

–🇬🇧Macron’s strategy: A ‘Gaullist’ betrayal of de Gaulle​

Geoeconomia – Logistica

La guerra finanziaria euro-statunitense 

Del Prete: “Al porto di Trieste serve continuità con il mandato di D’Agostino”

–🇬🇧India Grants Marine Insurance Approval for Russian Firms

–🇬🇧A more comprehensive plan to push back against China’s fishing practices


Il 29° Western Pacific Naval Symposium

Le Filippine rafforzano i rapporti militari con USA e Giappone

–🇬🇧Navigating Through the Storm: Cybersecurity and its Stakeholders

–🇬🇧French missile double punch adds new naval capability for Europe

–🇬🇧Turkey: The Next Aircraft Carrier Superpower?

–🇬🇧New Details About Turkiye’s Future Aircraft Carrier

–🇬🇧Mojave: How Aircraft Carriers Could Become Drone Carriers

–🇬🇧Raytheon to develop two Standard Missile types with better targeting

–🇬🇧What Does The U.S. Navy Need In Its Future Combatants?

–🇬🇧US Navy Announces First Mine Countermeasures Mission Package Embarked on USS Canberra