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27-03 Dal mondo


27-03 Dal mondo

Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente

Stati Uniti e Israele: qualcosa è cambiato?

–🇬🇧DoD denies using occupied Yemeni island to fight Houthis

–🇬🇧Pro-Israel org reels in big fish: A former CENTCOM commander

–🇬🇧Where are the US ships on the Gaza aid mission now?


Italia e Kazakistan rafforzano le loro relazioni 

Moldavia verso l’UE: tra indipendentismi e Russia

Gli ucraini colpiscono ancora la Flotta del Mar Nero

Il Cremlino apre la caccia a Zelensky

Mosca avverte Tokyo: gravi conseguenze se i Patriot nipponici andranno all’Ucraina

Strage di Mosca. Rivendicazioni e motivazioni

Il Pentagono alza l’attenzione sulle Filippine

Un (piccolo) spiraglio per Assange?

–🇬🇧Empowered Middle Powers and Potential Unthinkable Alliances

–🇬🇧Is the African Union Evolving in the Right Direction?

–🇬🇧The mood in wartime Ukraine

–🇬🇧Moscow attacks: Why Putin was quick to blame Ukraine

–🇬🇧The Russian people have been victimized twice—by ISIS-K terrorists, then by the Kremlin’s deception

–🇬🇧Kremlin Continues Tactic of Pitting West Against Itself

–🇬🇧Should Japan expand its security partnerships in the Pacific?

–🇬🇧From silence to remembrance: Vietnam’s shifting approach to China

–🇪🇸Trump, los globalistas y la Doctrina Brzezinsky

–🇪🇸Brzezinski, memoria de un estratega


Ecco come la Francia si prepara all’economia di guerra

I bond ‘demoliscono’ l’austerità?

–🇬🇧EU-Mercosur: So Much More Than a Dead Deal

–🇬🇧Una verità ambigua sull’autogol statunitense?

–🇬🇧The Indian Giant Has Arrived

–🇬🇧Port of Baltimore Shut Down After Key Bridge Collapse


Nato e Ue per far fronte alla Russia e nuovi modelli di cooperazione militare. L’audizione di Cavo Dragone

I tre scenari di guerra a cui si prepara l’Ue

Crosetto: “Difesa insufficiente, se fossimo attaccati come Ucraina…”

Le nuove frontiere del Cyber Organized Crime

–🇬🇧Everything, everywhere, all at once? Cyberspace operations and chinese strategy

–🇬🇧Organizing to deter or prevail in Space Warfare

–🇬🇧Marines head to Japan in test of cyber rotational force concept

–🇬🇧The U.S. Navy’s 5 Best Destroyers to Ever Sail

–🇬🇧The Royal Navy Really Might Want to Stop Building Aircraft Carriers 

–🇬🇧India’s Big Navy Mistake: Buying an Old Aircraft Carrier From Russia

–🇬🇧UK Reinforces Nuclear Deterrence Requirement With Long-Term Capability Approach

–🇬🇧US Navy Unfunded Priorities List Focuses On Infrastructure