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29-03 Dal mondo


29-03 Dal mondo

Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente

L’UE ha una strategia congiunta per il Medio Oriente?

Israele, l’attenzione si sposta a nord

–🇬🇧Russian Warships Enter the Red Sea

–🇬🇧Rescue Crews Navigate Drones and Fire to Salvage Houthi-Hit Ship


Russia. Crocus City Hall: il Cremlino insiste, ‘regia ucraina e occidentale’

La mossa del cavallo della Francia nella guerra russo-ucraina

Ucraina, si può uscire dall’angolo delle armi?

Europa 1914 – 2024.  Di nuovo i sonnambuli?

Il cammino verso la pace: Armenia e Azerbaigian dopo l’estinzione dell’Artsakh

Le Elezioni Municipali in Turchia

Le dinastie politiche in Asia Meridionale e Sudorientale

China down

–🇬🇧The ‘we win, they lose’ mentality is alive and well in Northern Europe

–🇬🇧From dove to hawk: Explaining Macron’s Russia-Ukraine journey

–🇬🇧Russia-Afghanistan relations in the aftermath of the Moscow attack

–🇬🇧The New Autocratic Alliances

–🇬🇧A World Full of Missiles

–🇬🇧From Panic to Policy: The Limits of Foreign Propaganda and the Foundations of an Effective Response

–🇬🇧Baltimore Bridge Collapse Highlights Need to Protect Critical Foundations


Grosso guaio a Sud per la Russia

Fincantieri firma il contratto con l’Indonesia per due PPA

Fincantieri ha firmato un contratto da 1,18 miliardi con l’Indonesia

–🇬🇧Asia Crude Imports Surge as China, India Snap Up Russian Oil

–🇬🇧Lithium lures South Korea closer to Kazakhstan


Aumenta l’attenzione sulla Difesa, ma è il primo passo

Dai droni ai magazzini nascosti, ecco la nuova logistica dei Marines

–🇬🇧It’s time for a comprehensive national maritime strategy

–🇬🇧America needs a ‘dead hand’ more than ever

–🇬🇧The Pentagon keeps failing up — on your dime

–🇬🇧America Botched Its Potential Alliance with India

–🇬🇧How Many Aircraft Carriers Does India Need?

–🇬🇧Dynamic Manta 24: Inside NATO’s Largest Anti-Submarine Wargame Ever

–🇬🇧Sevmash completes upgrades to build Russia’s next-gen nuclear subs

–🇬🇧U.S. Navy Begins Tomahawk Missile Training for Japanese Forces

–🇬🇧Norway Releases Report on ‘Viking Sky’ Propulsion Loss and Near-Grounding


–🇬🇧The Unsung Joint Operational Success at Midway