09-12 News
9 December 2023 2023-12-09 9:4109-12 News
–🇬🇧Ten Most Significant World Events in 2023
–🇬🇧America’s Indo-Pacific Alliances Are Astonishingly Strong
–🇬🇧Combatting Short Term Limitations of U.S. Fisheries Enforcement in the Western Pacific
–🇬🇧Greece, Turkey try to reset their relationship after years of hostility
–🇬🇧Putin in flurry of Gulf diplomacy
–🇬🇧The MENA-Russia Nexus in a Time of War: Dangerous Liaisons for Europe?
–🇬🇧UK Warns of “Yemeni Authorities” Contacting Vessels in the Red Sea
–🇬🇧Guyana military helicopter crash kills 5 officers and leaves 2 survivors
–🇬🇧Egypt Launches First Domestically-Built Frigate in Navy Modernization
–🇬🇧Serco Wins Contract To Support U.S. Navy’s Unmanned Maritime Systems
–🇬🇧Trouble in the docks – fixing the infrastructure issues impacting Royal Navy submarine availability