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Bilge water got into the USS Abraham Lincoln’s drinking water


Bilge water got into the USS Abraham Lincoln’s drinking water


The fouling of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln’s drinking water late last month was caused by bilge water leaking into the ship’s potable water tanks, officials confirmed this week.

You don’t want to drink bilge water. It’s a mélange of fresh water, oil, chemicals, sludge, sea water and other unpotable fluids that accrue in the lowest space on a ship, according to Bright Hub Engineering.

An inspection of the affected potable water tanks that wrapped on Thursday revealed that bilge water was behind the stinky, cloudy water, Naval Air Forces said in a statement.

Specifically, bilge water entered one of the potable water tanks through a hole in a tank’s vent line, according to the command.

Lincoln sailors first noted the nasty drinking water on Sept. 21, while the ship was operating off California.