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Welcome to CeSMar

The association has a democratic structure, does not pursue profit-making purposes, and is founded in accordance to the general principles of the legal system governing the life of non-profit organizations of social utility. The association pursues civic, solidarity and social utility purposes in the cultural, training and research sectors in the naval and maritime fields, operating at national and international level.

The association is aimed at all citizens, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions and personal and social conditions and has as its purpose the promotion, execution, qualification and dissemination by any means of history, geopolitics, maritime technique and strategy studies and in any case of any type of study, project and analysis of naval, maritime and military history or technique, in accordance to its aims and objectives. These activities, voluntary and specialized, are carried out in support and integration of the Italian Navy in charge of studies, training, history and museum conservation, communication, promotion of the Armed Force in a nation or international environment.

For the pursuit of the stated purposes, the association will exercise, exclusively or principally, the following activities of general interest:

  1. protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage and the landscape;
  2. education, training and professional training, as well as cultural activities;
  3. university and post-university training;
  4. scientific research;
  5. organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities, including editorial activities, for the promotion and dissemination of the culture.

The Association will be able to promote the execution, qualification and dissemination, by any means, of activities and of any type of study, project and analysis of history, naval technique, maritime or military strategy, consistent with its aims and objectives.
The association may also:

  1. provide study, analysis and promotion services for the Italian Navy or other institutions, associations, companies, public and private entities;
  2. to promote meeting, debate, information and training initiatives, in order to encourage constant cultural updating of members, affiliated entities and civil society;
  3. raise awareness of civil society in order to foster greater social integration between individuals and intergenerational dialogue;
  4. to sensitize civil society to the problems linked to maritime and naval culture, with particular attention to the values of solidarity at sea and to the conservation of the natural heritage;
  5. set up scholarships, degree or doctorate awards to be disbursed in favor of associates and / or particularly deserving third parties;
  6. organize and participate in congresses, conferences, seminars and other cultural or scientific events;
  7. arrange for the publication, including periodic, of studies, newsletters and information bulletins;
  8. dealing with printing, publishing and / or audiovisual production activities;
  9. carry out research in collaboration with universities, museums, foundations, organizations, associations or individuals;
  10. contracting, collaborating, connecting or federating with associations, foundations, organizations, public or private bodies, national or foreign, which pursue similar purposes and not in contrast with the purposes of the association;
  11. establish archives, databases, libraries that can be used and consulted by members and / or third parties authorized by the Board;
  12. carry out or sponsor other initiatives aimed at pursuing the association’s purpose.

Board of directors

Scientific Committee

Probiviri College
