10-10 Dal mondo
10 Ottobre 2024 2024-10-10 8:1510-10 Dal mondo
Mar Rosso – Medio Oriente
—Dopo Iraq, Libia e Siria, i neocon ora sognano l’attacco all’Iran
—Il 7 ottobre e la minaccia terroristica in Europa
–🇬🇧Turkey Wants to Stitch Iraq and Syria Back Together (part1)
–🇬🇧Turkey Wants to Stitch Iraq and Syria Back Together (part2)
—Zelensky: “L’UE si unisca per porre fine alla guerra”
—Mosca adegua la deterrenza nucleare, Rutte vuole l’Ucraina nella NATO
—Russia. Tentato attacco terroristico a Smolensk
—A fine anno stop al gas russo attraverso l’Ucraina: le preoccupazioni della Slovacchia
—Porti ucraini sotto attacco. Perché Mosca torna a mirare all’export di Kyiv
—Nord Stream, avvistate navi Marina USA prima delle bombe
—Orban: “cambiare la Ue su competitività, migranti e Schengen
—Tbilisi sempre più lontana dall’UE. Dopo l’adesione, congelati anche i fondi
—BRICS. La Cina teme la vicinanza tra Russia e Turchia
—Global Civilization Initiative. Il nuovo grande passo del soft power culturale cinese
—La strategia indiana tra Russia, Cina e Occidente
–🇬🇧Staying afloat: How the EU can navigate the Black Sea to counter Russian aggression
–🇬🇧After Prigozhin, the Wagner groups enduring impact
–🇬🇧How to prevent the next Azerbaijan-Armenia war
–🇬🇧American choices, European consequences: the geopolitics at stake
–🇬🇧How America Can Regain Its Edge in Great-Power Competition
–🇬🇧How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military
–🇬🇧Russian, Chinese Cooperation in Arctic A Growing Concern
–🇬🇧Understanding China Through Chinese Intellectual Debates
–🇬🇧Quad’s maritime vision short on strategic intent
–🇬🇧What Japan’s newm Prime Minister thinks about Indo-Pacific peace
–🇬🇧The decisiveness of French entry into the American war for independence
—Gli affari della Cina in Messico preoccupano gli USA
—Fedriga: “Il progetto Maritime Ventures strategico per Trieste”
—Folgiero: “Tre rivoluzioni per proiettare Fincantieri nel futuro”
—Underwater, a Venezia l’Italia mostra al mondo il futuro dell’ambiente sottomarino
—L’intelligence che cambia. Intervista a Mario Caligiuri
–🇬🇧China Is Freaked: Italy’s Flagship Aircraft Carrier Is Training with India
–🇬🇧First test firing of new French-Italian ASTER 30 B1 NT surface to air missile
–🇬🇧The Colombo Security Conclave as a much-needed security dimension
–🇬🇧Navy’s 381-Ship Goal Tough to Reach Under Current Budget Outlook
–🇬🇧German Navy Asserts Freedom of Navigation During Pacific Deployment
Venezia, XIV Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium
Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium
From the 8th to the 10th October 2024 in the historical and beautiful city of Venice.