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14-08 Dal mondo


14-08 Dal mondo

Guerra Iran-Israele, spiraglio da Teheran

Strage di Majdal Shams: possibili impatti ed evoluzioni nello scenario mediorientale

Haaretz: Netanyahu vuole una guerra mondiale

–🇬🇧The UK Should be Careful Not to Hand the Middle East to China

–🇬🇧U.S. Navy Prepares For Protracted Middle East Conflict

–🇬🇧Two Vessels Report Attacks in the Red Sea off Yemen

–🇬🇧Houthis Again Stage Multiple Attacks on Greek-Owned Delta Tanker

Le forze ucraine continuano l’offensiva nella regione russa di Kursk

Incursione ucraina in Russia, una settimana dopo

Zelensky, l’offensiva ucraina e il mistero dei 10 mila uomini

Effetti psicologici sulla Russia, ma l’attacco di Kursk non è un game changer

Mali, Sudan, Siria: le operazioni ucraine contro i contractors e i militari russi all’estero  

La strategia nucleare di Mosca contro la NATO passa dal mare

Russia pronta per guerra nucleare con la NATO

Quanto vale la deterrenza francese di fronte alla minaccia russa nel 2024?

La strategia USA nel Pacifico Occidentale

Oops. L’Italia non è isolata a livello internazionale

Le olimpiadi della discordia

–🇬🇧The russian projection in the Mediterranean

–🇬🇧Modi’s Moscow visit and the conduct of Russian foreign policy

–🇬🇧Fighting Russian Disinformation: Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia

–🇬🇧Moldova’s Ukrainian Bilateral

–🇬🇧China Is in Denial About the War in Ukraine

–🇬🇧Attack of the Drones—Ukrainian UAV Downed Russian Helicopter

–🇬🇧Forgotten front: The South Caucasus contest

–🇬🇧Taliban’s diplomatic advances in Central Asia

–🇬🇧Chinese funded port reawakens Thailand’s colonial ghosts

–🇬🇧M23: A Forgotten War and an Overshadowed Ceasefire

–🇬🇧Trump Could Lead World To War Warns London-Based Shipping Chief

–🇬🇧Navigating the Competitive Seas

L’Amerigo Vespucci sbarca per la prima volta a Tokyo

–🇬🇧Beyond fusion: preparing for systems rivalry with China

–🇬🇧The CMV-22 OSPREY: A Game-Changer for Today’s COD and Tomorrow’s Contested Combat Logistics Support ​

–🇬🇧Report to Congress on Navy Large Unmanned Surface and Undersea Vehicles

–🇬🇧New Russian Navy ‘Murena’ Maritime Drone Shown With Possible Starlink

Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium

From the 8th to the 10th October 2024 in the historical and beautiful city of Venice.