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17-07 Dal mondo


17-07 Dal mondo

–🇬🇧European parliament takes a hard line on Iran

–Il risiko dell’Europarlamento: una mappa alla vigilia del voto su Von der Leyen

UE sospenda diritto di voto ad Orban

La Georgia vota le sue leggi e la NATO la mette in castigo

Armeni d’Azerbaijan, comunità invisibile

Lavrov all’ONU: “Serve una riforma della Bretton Woods”

Ecco chi è JD Vance, il vice-Trump

Il futuro dei conservatori dopo Trump

Tokyo, Manila e Seul. Il capo dei militari Usa nell’Indo Pacifico

Il disimpegno della Francia dall’Africa: situazione attuale e prospettive future

–🇬🇧Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: An Alliance with Limits

–🇬🇧Philippines and Vietnam’s South China Sea strategies have failed

–🇬🇧A partner’s decision for Ukraine’s strategic success

–🇬🇧Russian Military Wartime Personnel Recruiting and Retention 2022–2023

–🇬🇧Oil Market Interventions and Consequences

–🇬🇧UK defence: new options for change?

–🇬🇧Fincantieri Launches Last PPA For Italian Navy

–🇬🇧The Navy’s new air-to-air capability could set roadmap for repurposing old systems

–🇬🇧China’s Aircraft Carrier Shandong Launches 240 Sorties in Philippine Sea

–🇬🇧Northrop Grumman, MQ-4C Triton

–🇬🇧Aircraft Carrier Math Is No Conundrum

–🇬🇧U.S. Navy Forward Deploys F-35C And CMV-22B To Japan

–🇬🇧Strategic military public affairs safeguarding US Naval supremacy through narrative control

Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium

From the 8th to the 10th October 2024 in the historical and beautiful city of Venice.