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22-11 Dal mondo


22-11 Dal mondo

La Corte penale internazionale: arrestate Netanyahu e Gallant

Netanyahu come Putin: la CPI emette il mandato d’arresto

–🇬🇧ICC issues arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant

–🇬🇧Is Turkey’s big break with Israel for real?

–🇬🇧Dispatch from the desert: Trump’s first global test is Iran

–🇬🇧What Nineveh’s Municipal Council Reveals about the Iran-Turkey Power Struggle in Iraq

Ucraina. “Il deep state USA vuole l’escalation prima dell’arrivo di Trump, l’UE non lo segua”

Biden, la svolta nella guerra in Ucraina prima dell’addio. La versione del prof. Biagini

Biden manda all’Ucraina le mine che uccidono soprattutto i civili

Ucraina. La Russia spara il nuovo missile ipersonico Oreshnik

Allarme di Kiev: lanciato un missile balistico intercontinentale su Dnipropetrovsk

Il futuro dell’Ucraina, l’evoluzione del conflitto russo-ucraino e le prospettive di pace: intervista all’Amb. Zazo

Il dilemma dell’addestramento delle truppe ucraine

Russia e India nel segno del pragmatismo

–🇬🇧Diplomacy Watch: Russia retaliates after long-range missile attacks

–🇬🇧UK dutifully follows Biden into Ukraine doom spiral

–🇬🇧U.S.-Made Landmines: A Game Changer for Ukraine’s Defense Against Russia?

–🇬🇧Russia’s Vast Naval Modernization Set Back By War In Ukraine

–🇬🇧Georgian Dream Hopes to Elect New President With a One-Party Parliament

–🇬🇧Winds of Change: Ankara’s Subtle Shifts Towards Reconciliation with Kurdish Elements in Turkey

–🇬🇧A New National Security Strategy for the Trump Administration

–🇬🇧Trump and the Crisis of Liberalism

–🇬🇧With Rubio, Waltz, a harder line on Latin America looms

–🇬🇧U.S. Sets Up Task Force to Back Philippines in South China Sea

–🇬🇧Strengthening cross-regional security: Sweden and the Indo-Pacific

–🇬🇧China’s Pacific aid is rebounding and recalibrated

MoU tra Fincantieri e la Marina del Pakistan

La Norvegia sceglie i contendenti per il programma delle nuove fregate

Gli armatori greci hanno ripreso a trasportare petrolio russo

COP29: la politica artica si presenta a Baku per discutere sul clima

–🇬🇧Climate Diplomacy: Watch What Countries Do, Not What They Say

–🇬🇧Saab Inks MoU With Singapore To Develop New Underwater Solutions

–🇬🇧Expanding Iran-Armenia Energy Ties Combat Yerevan’s Reliance on Russian Oil

Nuovo Commissario Europeo per la Difesa: novità e aspettative

–🇪🇸La Armada de Chile mira a Italia como líder en construcción naval y explora colaboraciones con su Marina Militar

–🇬🇧Has the time finally come for a European defence?

–🇬🇧NATO’s best-laid subsea cable security plans

–🇬🇧More NATO in the Arctic Could Free the United States up to Focus on China

–🇬🇧Rethink US Grand Strategy

–🇬🇧“To Provide and Maintain a Navy” Is Not Enough: Making the Case for American Sea Power Requires More​

–🇬🇧Marine Corps F-35C notches first overseas combat strike

–🇬🇧The Royal Navy Faces An Uncertain Future

–🇬🇧A Sea Change: Navy Unveils Plan to Rescue Military Sealift Command Amid Mariner Shortage

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