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27-11 Dal mondo


27-11 Dal mondo

Per il Libano una tregua fragile come quella del 2006

Così i Brics aprono nuove strade per i Paesi del Medio Oriente

–🇬🇧On Middle East, will Trump follow his instincts or hawkish advisers?

–🇬🇧Does America Still Need Egypt?

–🇬🇧Containership Transits of Suez Canal Hit 2024 High, But Big Ships Avoid the Route

–🇬🇧Global War on Terrorism Medals authorized for Houthi operations

–🇬🇧If Iran Gets the Bomb: Weapons, Force Posture, Strategy

Tra promesse e obblighi, l’impatto dell’elezione di Donald Trump sul conflitto in Ucraina

Azerbaijan – USA, Aliyev chiama Trump

La Gagauzia e l’ostilità verso il governo moldavo e il suo progetto europeo

A cosa punta la Turchia come componente della NATO

Ideologie da post-orgia

–🇬🇧Putin’s ‘Three Escalations’ Affect Prospect of Peace in Ukraine

–🇬🇧The escalation matrix in Ukraine

–🇬🇧Putin Is Freaked: ATACMS Might Have Destroyed Elite S-400 Air Defense System

–🇬🇧The impact of Ukraine conflict on Japan-Russia relations

–🇬🇧Protests lead to another president out the door in South Caucasus

–🇬🇧Why Morocco could see its importance to Washington rise during Trump 2.0

–🇬🇧Dominance, Competition, and Adaptation: The US Quest for a Strategic Trifecta in the Indian Ocean

–🇬🇧India-China border agreement: A case for military buildup

–🇬🇧Russia Prioritizes Icebreakers in Scramble for Arctic 

–🇬🇧Greater transparency will enhance space governance

Geo-finanza. Le mosse di UE e Italia per non subire la nuova Guerra fredda

Rapporto Mediobanca: nel mondo è record delle spese per la Difesa

Il Giappone investe nel gas russo col permesso del G7

–🇬🇧Medical Logistics in a Contested Pacific: Ensuring Health Support in High-Risk Regions

–🇬🇧Macron wraps up South America trip with French submarines in mind

Ai Med Dialogues il Mediterraneo torna la priorità strategica dell’Italia

La Difesa deve correre per restare al passo. Crosetto inaugura l’anno accademico al Casd

Portaerei Truman e nave spia Yantar. Inseguimento USA-Russia nel Mediterraneo

Arriva Herne, il sommergibile britannico che non ha bisogno di equipaggio

Cantieri navali Bae Systems Norfolk, contratto dalla Marina Usa

–🇬🇧The Implications of a Second Trump Presidency for Europe’s Defense-Industrial Efforts

–🇬🇧US defence policy under Trump 2.0

–🇬🇧Australia needs a coastguard to meet modern maritime threats

–🇬🇧Report to Congress on Navy Constellation-class Frigate Program

–🇬🇧German Navy Concludes A Two-Week Evaluation Of Israeli-Developed BlueWhale Uncrewed Submarine

–🇬🇧NAVANTIA Completes The Fitting Of The Hydrogen Propulsion System AIP Into A S-80 Class Submarine

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