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28-11 Dal mondo


28-11 Dal mondo

Accordi di Abramo e  JCPOA:  due tattiche antitetiche per il disimpegno USA dal Vicino Oriente 

Caos in Siria, i ribelli tornano nella periferia di Aleppo

MED 2024: spiragli di pace

Riad e Dubai: il Made in Italy nel cuore del Golfo

–🇬🇧Why Jordan’s Role as a ‘Buffer State’ is being Tested

Da Kiev a Gaza e Bruxelles, ecco il nuovo ruolo di Erdogan (con Trump)

Ursula bis: la Commissione nasce fragile e vecchia

Romania. Georgescu e TikTok, chi c’è dietro le accuse di disinformazione

La Francia impiega anche le società private per addestrare le truppe ucraine

Perché la minaccia atomica della Russia è sopravvalutata

Russi e ucraini ora dicono no alla guerra

Il Mediterraneo diventi globale. Il discorso di Meloni ai Med Dialogues

Le cause geopolitiche della crisi tedesca

–🇬🇧Poland’s PM Proposes Navy Policing in Baltic Sea Amid Russia Threat

–🇬🇧Putin’s game is hypersonic: Is that why we can’t see it?

–🇬🇧Russia Updates Nuclear Doctrine, Lowering Threshold for Use of Nuclear Weapons

–🇬🇧Putin’s Ukraine obsession began 20 years ago with the Orange Revolution

–🇬🇧Protests Push Abkhazia’s President Out for Fourth Time

–🇬🇧Why Biden is going to Angola

–🇬🇧From Engagement to Competitive Co-Existence: The U.S. and its China Challenge

–🇬🇧MED2024 Highlights of Day 2

SIMEST e Fincantieri sottoscrivono accordo per la crescita delle aziende di filiera

L’Italia al centro dell’innovazione navale globale. Ecco l’intesa tra Fincantieri e Simest

–🇬🇧A rising danger in the Arctic

–🇬🇧Was COP29 in Azerbaijan a Failure?

–🇬🇧Russia Lacks Icebreakers Its Arctic Fleet Needs to Function in Eastern Arctic

–🇬🇧U.S. Coast Guard’s Aging ‘Polar Star’ Begins Antarctic Mission as Service Races to Modernize Icebreaker Fleet

Serve un Ministero della marina

Non solo Gcap, F-35 e Fremm. Perché servono più personale e risorse per la Difesa secondo Portolano

Tra resilienza economica e dipendenze strategiche

–🇬🇧Europe’s missile renaissance

–🇬🇧Technology, the Battlefield, and Beyond in Ukraine

–🇬🇧Thiel pal and venture capitalist eyed for 2nd highest post in Pentagon

–🇬🇧Financier John Phelan Tapped to be Next Navy Secretary

–🇬🇧This Is Not the Status Quo You’re Looking For

–🇬🇧How to Fix a Broken Defense Department to Beat China and Russia

–🇬🇧‘Unexpected Circumstances’

–🇬🇧China’s aircraft carriers begin to spread their wings

–🇬🇧More Details On UK’s Herne XLAUV Demonstrations

–🇬🇧Finland’s ‘Freezing Winds’ Exercise Demonstrates NATO’s Approach To Deterring Baltic Seabed Threats

–🇬🇧The Slow Demise of the British Military Has Begun

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